”I can never stick to one plan or to one kind of music genre. There’s just too much fun exploring unfamiliar ground. Even so; I guess I have a ”sound” no matter what I do. For good or bad. I just hope that every album I make doesn’t sound anything like the one I just did. Art is moving and I need to follow. 

I think this is why I enjoy writing music to theater so much. The task of trying to interpret the vision of the director, filtrate my findings through my system of experiences and emotions and see what comes out. Hopefully we can build something beautiful together.”

Lotta Wenglén was born in Malmoe, Southern Sweden and started writing songs at the age of nine. She bought her first classical guitar at the local music store across the street. The same nylon stringed guitar she uses to this day.

She started off playing punk, following in her big brothers footsteps, then continued on to the so called No Depression genre. In 1996 she and two friends formed the punk country trio ba-ba-loo and recorded the album Frosting-the American way through the upcoming danish record label Mega Record.

Later in 2001 she started her own label Margit Music under which she released her friends music alongside her own. Since then Lotta has recorded several albums and E.P’s. Most recently she released the existential country pop EP Stardust & Debris and she is during 2024 working on an album with swedish lyrics.

Today Margit Music is also a production company where Lotta produces music for theater, radio and film (*see THE WORK) as well as her own music in different constellations (mainly the duo Blind Lake and the instrumental project WATERBODY).

In 2000 Lotta went solo, focusing more on the craft of songwriting and letting the lyrics take the lead. Her debut album Golden Green was 40 minutes of country indie with the vocals way up front. Acclaimed songwriter Chip Taylor joined her in the duet The hard Part’s To Stay and the album was released by Adrian Recordings in 2001.

Format CD

Format Digital

2018 Åska & Blod (album med Cecilia Nordlund & Fullmånen från Helvetet)
2017 Fullmånen från Helvetet (EP med Cecilia Nordlund & Fullmånen från Helvetet)
2014 Orsak och Verkan (album med Text Åsa Gustafsson/Musik Lotta Wenglén)
2013 Never never under alias GRENWERK (Vince Clarke cover single)
2012 Aiming for the flesh (album with Sunshine Rabbits)
2011 Dollykollot (album with Dollykollot)
1998 Frosting- the american way (album with ba-ba-loo)